The Parish

Church in honor of the Annunciation of Our Lady
This place was named San Francisco Javier. The abbey was built in the fifteenth century by the parents of St. Francis Javier as a residence for priests living in Javier, who were responsible for the spiritual life of the family. In recent years it has continued to be the residence of religious orders who are responsible for the care of the Parish: Oblates of Christ Priest and Missionaries of Jesus Christ are those who currently live there. The church as it stands now was renovated in 1702 in the Baroque style. Older elements, from 1674, are the side altars of the Sacred Heart and Our Lady learning to read with her parents. From around the same time comes the sculpture the Crucified Christ which stands over the grave of Dona Violante, maternal aunt of the saint.
Central altarpiece
Made in the mid-eighteenth century in which one may highlight the three major canvases representing the Annunciation, Saint Ignatius drafting the Constitutions of the Society of Jesus and St. Francis Xavier, also in the Baroque style.
A very interesting piece XV century stonework. Located under the current choir.
Santa Maria de Javier
Over the High Altar is this polychrome wood carving, which belongs to the second half of the thirteenth century.