Walks and paths

1. Camino del Papa
6 km. Length: Javier-Sangüesa.
A linear walk which runs beside the river Aragon to Sangüesa, with magnificent views of the Sierra of Leyre. Part of it coincides with the Cañada de los Roncaleses, a route where animals crossed over form th Salazar and Roncal valleys to the Ribera de Navarra. This road was made during the visit of Pope Juan Paul II to Castle Javier.
2. The Mill Walk
2 km. Length: Watermill known as the "Molinaz" (or Big Mill) from the time of St. Francis Xavier.
Built in the sixteenth century. It retains much of the building: the floorplan makes it easy to imagine how the mill at the time and retains its pointed arches that mark the entrances. This mill is being restored thanks to the work of youth work camps in recent years. The starting point is in the area known locally as Soto.
3. Farrandillo Route
4 km. Itinerary: Pueblo of Javier to the Javier Sierra with the possibility of reaching Yesa Reservoir across the sierra.
4. Camino de Santiago in Aragon
8 km. Tour Undués-Javier-Sangüesa.